
Open Call: Window Gallery

UrbanGlass is accepting proposals, to showcase artwork in the UrbanGlass Window Gallery during 2020-2021. This program will feature a total of 4 exhibitions, from May 2020- January 2021. 

The space that is open for showcasing in the duration listed is the western-facing windows-- the triangular window space on the corner of Rockwell and Fulton and the large windows that are parallel to Rockwell Place. The exhibition proposal must prioritize the viewpoint from the street looking into the windows.

Ideal proposals will include consideration of the unique opportunity for visibility 24/7 in this public- facing space. UrbanGlass is seeking proposals that clearly showcases plans for how the artist plans to use the windows explicitly. Please be sure to explicitly describe your use of the space and how your work will be viewed from Fulton and Rockwell Street. Your plans should be bold and visible from the street view and consider the nature of this space. The majority of viewers seeing your exhibition will interface with the installation from the street-view, and not by walking into the gallery.  

Applications can include proposals for:

  1. Installations. An installation of artwork that is representative of work being made in the contemporary glass community. The proposed works can be a combination of glass and mixed media.
  2. Performances. Performances using handmade glass, scheduled for the opening nights of exhibitions of AVAC and possibly additional times that include high foot-traffic hours for the Rockwell and Fulton corner. If this format is proposed, this must include a plan for artwork that is also installed permanently in the space while the artist is not present. Note: open flame is not allowed in this space.
  3. Window Residencies. Artists may propose an activation project. This can include being present in the Window Gallery during certain hours to showcase their making process or other interactive opportunities for visitors to UrbanGlass. The artist must include in their proposal an explanation of what artwork will be installed permanently in the space while the artist is not present.

To apply, please submit: a proposal, your resume or CV, exhibition design using the Window Gallery map below, exhibition budget draft, 5 images, and an image list.

Details of materials for applications:

  • Proposal, one page long in PDF format, that outlines your intent for an exhibition in the Window Gallery. Maximum of 800 words. Please include your preference, for an opening date for an exhibition in 2020: May 2020, July 2020, September 2020, November 2020. Each exhibition is scheduled to run for approximately 2 months. Typically UrbanGlass hosts an opening reception on the opening week of the show. 
  • Resume or CV, one page long, PDF format, which lists your involvement at UrbanGlass (If applicable). Maximum of 500 words. 
  • A draft of the exhibition you have in mind and how it will be laid out in the space. Feel free to use the Window Gallery map below to draw/ design how you plan to utilize this space. UrbanGlass understands if this design shifts slightly from your original plan, but any dramatic shifts from the originally proposed exhibition design must be approved by UrbanGlass staff. 
  • Exhibition budget draft, which includes how you plan to use the honorarium included with this opportunity. 
  • 5 images that represent your proposal and showcases the work that you intend to show in the Window Gallery. Images must be in JPG format and be 300 DPI. Maximum size of 6 inches in height and width. Each image should be a maximum of 8M each. Label each image with your last name and the number in the order in which you would like the image to be viewed. Example: Smith_01.jpg.
  • Image List, in PDF format, which includes: title, size, date, and materials. 

Artists who have shown in the Window Gallery previous to 2017, can apply for this opportunity with new work.

*Please consider printing out your materials as a test-run before submitting them, to make sure that the application easily prints from any computer.

Artists will receive a stipend of $500 to use for all supplies needed, including hardware, to install artwork in the space. Artists are responsible for both installation and de-installation of Window Gallery exhibitions. This includes wall repair during de-installation, i.e., patching and sanding of any holes or blemishes created by the artist. If you need assistance in installing or de-installing the work, please consider including the expense of an art handler in your exhibition budget draft. Because the gallery staff is so small, they are unable to dedicate time to assist in this part of the process.  

Artists whose exhibitions are selected for this exhibition opportunity are asked to provide the following 3 months prior to the opening of their show in the space: 3-4 images of works in the show, a brief artist bio, exhibition essay (max 800 words), and a final budget draft. 1 month prior to the exhibition opening artists submit a completed loan agreement and title list (with insurance values). 

Submission deadline: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 

How to apply: Send and email to with the subject line "2020 Window Gallery Application." 

Proposals are evaluated by a panel of artists and curators. All artists submitting a proposal will be notified of the jury’s decision by February 15th, 2020. 

Contact Rachel Rader, at with any questions.